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our school

Our school is one of the leaders in teaching Russian in the United States of America.

We offer children a flexible and accessible education system from grades 1 to 10.

In order for you to be enrolled in our school, you will need to fill out the documents provided below.

How to become our student

please read the rules of our school so that you can submit your application for admission to our school

Registration Forms

In order to be accepted into the school, download registration forms. Complete and submit them in person to the school.

Our students become accustomed to and enjoy the idea that there are problems that require focus, thought, and persistence to solve. We do this by regularly engaging our students in solving complex and unfamiliar types of problems, where they must push the boundaries of their knowledge and attempt to find a solution, even if they are unsure of how to achieve it.

Our students become accustomed to and enjoy the idea that there are problems that require focus, thought, and persistence to solve. We do this by regularly engaging our students in solving complex and unfamiliar types of problems, where they must push the boundaries of their knowledge and attempt to find a solution, even if they are unsure of how to achieve it.

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